Aquarium Wilhelmshaven

City: Wilhelmshaven

Country: Germany

State: Lower Saxony


Opend 1927


Species 300

This small aquarium shows the biotops of the North Sea, the waters of Antarctic and the tropical rainforest. Kids will love the seals and the penguins

Vis stort kort
Last visit 2012

Aquarium Wilhelmshaven
Südstrand 123,
D 26382 Wilhelmshaven


Phone nr 04421-5066447

Open 10am-6pm, closed 24th december



Entrance fee

  • Adult 20,- Euro
  • Child 13,- Euro

There are several daily feeding shows, for the time please ask at the till station. 

The aquarium was opened on the 11th april 1927  at the Strandhalle and run on to 1939, where it was closed becourse of world war 2. Reopening 17th august 1950 at its present place with Konrad Lüders as director. 1988/89nthe seawatersection and sealpool was made larger. In 2001 the aquarium had to be closed for renovation. Therefor the Aquarium was sold to Aquarium Wilhelmshaven "Bullermeck" GmbH and they renovatet the house for 6 million Euro's. The seatanksections almost got torned totally down and replaced with a new building. After renovation the aquarium reopned  7th July 2002.

After paying the entrance fee and walking down the stairs we first look at the North Sea section with fish like the pollack. Here we also se the seals swim under water. Following is the shark tank and then the antarctica area with fish and other species rarely seen in a public aquarium. From Antarctica we go straight to the the rainforest section with Poison Dart Frogs, Common Hill Myna and pygmy marmoset wich leds up to the ground floor. Here the first thing we meet is the coral reef with seahorses among others. Looking at the sharks and the seals (above sea-level) we at last look at the Magellanic penguins

DE: Dieses mittelgrosse Aquarium zeigt uns die Weltt des Wassers von der Antarktis bis zum Regenwald Auf dem Weg treffen wir unter anderem Seehund und Haie

DK: Dette middelstore akvarie viser os vandets verden fra antarktis til regnskoven. Undervejs støder vi bl.a. på sæler og hajer
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